Tropical trees emit methaneSunitha Pangala Science Earth and Environmental Science
Humour in British academic lectures and Chinese students' perceptions of itYu Wang FELS, CREET
Discipline winners
Arts and Humanities "Books are an essential part of one's life": a systematic enquiry into Joseph Conrad's reading using the Reading Experience Database 1450-1945Helen Chambers Arts, English
Engineering, Maths, statistics and computing Traffic Noise Reduction using Surface Treatments, Trees and VegetationImran Bashir MCT, DDEM
Medical, life and Physical Sciences Tropical trees emit methaneSunitha Pangala Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Social sciences Humour in British academic lectures and Chinese students' perceptions of itYu Wang FELS, CREET
OUSA prize for People's choice
Cognitive Radio - A Sustainable Technology for Green Wireless Communications?ATM Shafiul Alam MCT, Comms and Systems