Wednesday June 15th 2011

Research Poster Competition 2011

These are the top 5 places from the online voting.

1st place
Author: Atm Alam
Title: Cognitive Radio - a Sustainable Technology for Green Wireless Communications?
30 votes
2nd place
Author: Sally Hartley
Title: Co-operatives as a learning space for youth
27 votes
3rd place
Author: Rose Johnson
Title: Learn as you play: How can real-time feedback enhance learning the violin?
25 votes
4th place
Author: Koula Charitonos
Title: Museum Learning via Social Media: Can interactions on Twitter enhance the museum learning experience?
24 votes
5th place
Author: Lisa Pilgram
Title: Muslim family law as a site of citizenship
20 votes
Total votes cast for all entries: 332 - last vote received 14 Jun 2011 11:30