Tuesday June 13th 2017

Research Poster Competition 2017

These are the top 5 places from the 'Peoples' Choice' online voting.

1st place
Author: Sarah Needs
Title: NGLY1- a rare genetic disorder and how it works
47 votes
2nd place
Author: Stacy Phillips
Title: How to make a mountain: investigating crustal melting in the Himalaya
29 votes
3rd place
Author: Amy Turner
Title: Feeling Distracted?
21 votes
4th place
Author: Sonia Azeggagh
Title: Can CRISPR/Cas9 save the day? The use of genome editing in Parkinson's disease.
19 votes
5th place
Author: Daniel Haslam
Title: Voluntary Sector Leadership in Cross-sector Collaborations
18 votes
Total votes cast for all entries: 325 - last vote received 12 Jun 2017 11:45