Tuesday June 10th 2014

Research Poster Competition 2014

These are the top 5 places from the online voting.

1st place
Author: Daniel Mccracken
Title: Does Cancer Kick up a Stink? VOCs as biomarkers for melanoma
40 votes
2nd place
Author: Nicholas Loughlin
Title: What's happening to the cloud forest?
37 votes
3rd place
Author: Jeferson De Oliveira
Title: What can a fracture surface tell us?
36 votes
4th place
Author: Hnin Ohnmar Myint
Title: Multi-agent System for Real-time Video Umpiring
21 votes
5th place
Author: Charlotte Robinson
Title: Animal-Computer Interaction: Developing Technologies for Supporting Canine Workers
19 votes
Total votes cast for all entries: 314 - last vote received 11 Jun 2014 11:09