Friday June 11th 2010

Research Poster Competition 2010

These are the top 5 places from the online voting.

1st place
Author: Melanie Georgiou
Title: Development of an implantable device for peripheral nerve repair
34 votes
2nd place
Author: Dan Richards
Title: Does Cognition and Emotion Equal Investment Bias?
26 votes
3rd place
Author: Minette Bellingan
Title: Global sourcing shouldn't cost us the Earth
18 votes
4th place
Author: Caroline Moore
Title: Exploring the experiences of female multi-generational carers
15 votes
5th place
Author: Sally Baker
Title: Facebook: the potential ethical pitfalls of using a social network site as a research tool
12 votes
Total votes cast for all entries: 161 - last vote received 10 Jun 2010 11:46